IMPORTANCE OF DRAPING IN FASHION DESIGNINGDid you know that the draping technique, or three-dimensional modeling, has the power to free you and help your creativity? But then, if yo
SPECIAL PINS FOR DRAPINGDid you know that there are special pins to work with the draping technique? At first glance it seems that they are all the same, doesn't...
MY HISTORY WITH FASHION DRAPINGWhen I think about when draping actually entered my life I automatically remember Francys, 8 or 9 years old, trying to understand the...
WHAT IS STYLE TAPE OR DRAPING TAPE? Do you know the style tape or draping tape? It's a thin ribbon with glue that you can use to design the style of the piece or cutouts on...
BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE SECRETS OF THE FRENCH MOULAGE COURSEHi guys, how are you? I missed posting here, but I've been very busy the last few months due to the online course Secrets of French...
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A FASHION DESIGN TEACHERHi guys, how are you out there? I'm a little missing here on the blog, as you've already noticed, right?! But today I decided to stop by...
MY EXPERIENCE STUDYING AT L'ECOLE DE LA CHAMBRE SYNDICALE DE LA COUTURE PARISIENNE - IFMFor those who fell in this post with a parachute or still want to know more details about this course, I will complement it with some...
3 COMMON DRAPING PROBLEMSDo you know which mistakes we should avoid in draping? Pay attention and keep these tips, as these details guarantee the quality of the...
BEST DRAPING BOOKS RECOMMENDATIONSToday I'm going to show you the gold of my book collection which are my beloved draping books. They are very special, I remember how and...
WHAT ARE THE MATERIALS USED IN FASHION DRAPING?A good self-respecting pattern maker or seamstress needs to have a basic sewing kit, right? This kit needs to have good scissors, a tape...